My name is Grant Baucom. I am charismatic and outgoing 22 year old,  who likes to dabble in social media content, creation, and digital design. That's all I had to start somewhere right?

Well, of course they all started with my interest in studio art and drawing. That carried over into the digital landscape as our world evolved.  I've always been someone who is found fulfillment in creative endeavors. From the time I was a young kid to now; me applying that and trust into what I seek to do with my life, and how I choose to share that knowledge and skill set with other people. 

There's very little I'm not sharing if I'm going to be completely honest. The majority of what I've done in college can be seen on my TikTok is that you documented many of my experiences, endeavors activities, and people that I've engaged with over my time here the past four years.

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